First Order ODE checklist here
1. Thi and Xinran | 1. Brenna and Matthew | 1. Perezm Sander and Trego |
2. Lexi and Elizabeth | 2. Blair, Moreland and Lucas | 2. Luke and Steven |
3. Gavin and Joshu | 3. Durham and Young | 3. Kevin, William and Gram |
1. Fetterly, Hopper and Hankins | 1. Jacie, Katie and Lindsey | |
2.. August, Cole and Sam | 2. Jackson and Thomas | |
3. Rylee and Reagan |
Math 3331 ODEs - Spring 2024
sample write up here
Linear Algebra review
Seminars - April 15-24, 2024
Seminar Groups
1. Thi Huynh and Xinran Hu – Neural ODEs
2. Jaci Jordon, Katie Hicklin, and Lindsey Allen – Kinetics of chemical reactions
3. Heavenly Hopper, Jewel Fetterly, and Addi Hankins – Epidemic population change
4. Jackson Hill and Thomas Thompson – Tsiolkovsky Rocket Equation
5. Yesenia Perez, Kaylah Sanders, and Gotre Bi Boti Christ Ivan Traye – Newton’s Law of Cooling
6. Rylee Barnette and Reagan Graff – Epinephrine Injections for anaphylaxis reactions.
7. Sam O’Connor, August Childress, and Cole Morrison – Air resistance on falling objects
8. Elizabeth Lopez and Lexi Chatman – The wave equation
9. Kevin Nard, William Anderson, and Ingram Pile – Schrodinger equation.
10. Ethan Durham and Caleb Young – Newton’s Law of Cooling
11. Steve Witchel, Luke Bruner and Matthew Cox – Brachisachrone Problem
12. Brenna Metts and Mathew Shilling – Conical Tank problem.
13. Lucas Yarbroug, Ian Blair, and Tasia Mooreland – Relaxation in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
14. Joshua Boyd, Gavin Johnson