First Order ODE checklist  here


1  2  3  4  5 soln

1. Thi and Xinran  
1.    Brenna and Matthew                                    
1. Perezm Sander and Trego                                                
2.  Lexi and Elizabeth
2.  Blair, Moreland and Lucas                                                                           
2.  Luke and Steven
3.  Gavin and Joshu
3.  Durham and Young          
3.  Kevin, William and Gram                                        

1.  Fetterly, Hopper and Hankins                                                                                 
1.  Jacie, Katie and Lindsey    

2.. August, Cole and Sam                            
2. Jackson and Thomas

3.  Rylee and Reagan

Sample Tests

ST1  ST1sol

ST2  ST2sol

ST3  ST3sol

SFinal  solns

Math 3331 ODEs  -  Spring 2024

sample write up here


​​Week 1  Jan. 17  19

Week 2  Jan. 22  24

​Week 3  Jan. 29  31  Feb 2

​Week 4  Feb. 5  7  9

Week 5  Feb. 12 14 16

Week 6  Feb. 19 21 23

Week 7  Feb. 26  28  1

​Week 10 Mar. 25  27  29

Linear Algebra review



Seminars - April  15-24, 2024


Seminar Groups

​1.  ​Thi Huynh and Xinran  Hu – Neural ODEs
2.  Jaci Jordon, Katie Hicklin, and Lindsey Allen – Kinetics of chemical reactions

3.  Heavenly Hopper, Jewel Fetterly, and Addi Hankins – Epidemic population change

4.  Jackson Hill and Thomas Thompson – Tsiolkovsky Rocket Equation

5.  Yesenia Perez, Kaylah Sanders, and Gotre Bi Boti Christ Ivan Traye – Newton’s Law of Cooling

6.  Rylee Barnette and Reagan Graff – Epinephrine Injections for anaphylaxis reactions. 

7.  Sam O’Connor, August Childress, and Cole Morrison – Air resistance on falling objects

8.  Elizabeth Lopez and Lexi Chatman – The wave equation

9.  Kevin Nard, William Anderson, and Ingram Pile – Schrodinger equation.

10.  Ethan Durham and Caleb Young – Newton’s Law of Cooling

11.  Steve Witchel, Luke Bruner and Matthew Cox – Brachisachrone Problem

12.  Brenna Metts and Mathew Shilling – Conical Tank problem.
​13.  Lucas Yarbroug, Ian Blair, and Tasia Mooreland – Relaxation in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

14.  ​Joshua Boyd, Gavin Johnson